Outlet for laboratory
Stainless steel mixer
Stainless steel mixer
Stainless steel mixer SAREK ™ is made of stainless steel ASTM / AISI 304. An alloy that does not release harmful amounts of heavy metals to the drinking water or the environment.
SAREK ™ mixers are able to meet the broadest margins today strictest rules for heavy metal delivery to drinking water, for example, in the US Standard NSF 61 and the Australian Standard AS 4030, as well as the Food Administration Drinking Water Directive, which is based on EU drinking water requirements, 98/83 / EC. The directives are incorporated into the Swedish Food Administration regulations SLVF S 2001: 30 and with reprint LIVSFS 2005: 10.
SAREK ™ mixers also meet Boverket sound standards that are equivalent to EU standards. Sarek has recently been tested by Norwegian SINTEF (formerly Norwegian Building Research Institute) and was classified in sound group 1, the best audio group.
SAREK ™ series stainless steel mixers are adapted to industry regulations Safe Water and Qmt Tech AB International have an agreement with Safe Water.
SAREK ™ series stainless steel mixers are the only mixers in Sweden that meet the requirements and are therefore included in the BASTA registry.
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