Gas recharging
Gas filler cabinet Pleroobia
Gas filler cabinet Pleroobia
Qmt Gas Fill Cabinet Pleroobia serves as a connection point to the medical gas system for various gas sources. The product provides the possibility for reserve gas feed in case of emergency and for the medical gases respiratory oxygen, respiratory air and nitrous oxide.
Pleroobia consists of gas-specific filler plug couplings with a shut-off valve downstream. To prevent the gas system being contaminated by the outdoor air, the gas filler cabinet is equipped with two flush valves. In case of excessive pressure, excess pressure is evacuated by a safety valve. The pressure is read on the manometer. The cabinet in stainless steel with lock prevents unauthorized operation and is lockable with padlock.
Qmt-tech recommends that the suction guard QMT 76 52 54 ITEK is installed on the pipe system. In case of damage to the pipe system in the gas filler cabinet, the back cover prevents ITEK from draining the medical gas system.
Artikelnr: QMT 7-Trond-skap
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